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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stress Soothers

Relationship woes, work concerns, health problems or financial problems, these are the little stress goblins that pounce on me when I am already backed into a corner. But, as you know from any horror movie, evil always has a weakness. In the same way, I can banish stress demons from my light with the right know-how. Here, I would like to share my stress-buster with you so that I hope it would counter the unpleasant side effects to you.

1. Lose the alarm
A lot of us wake up and calculate how many more hours of sleep we have, or we wake up a bit too early and dread the sound we know is coming. But, if you’re worried you’ll oversleep, opt for an alarm that plays soothing nature sounds or even your favourite songs.

2. A little dab will do
Buy some medication oils such as Minyak Cap Kapak, White Flower Oil or Minyak Yuyi Cap Limau whenever you’re feeling a little stressed, dab some on your temples and the back of your neck. No, this won’t alleviate the jot of that half-hour argument with an irritating colleague but it’s a quick and easy treat that will relieve your tiredness.

3. Remember your family or your loved ones
Remember the time when you feel loved, trusted and comforted. If you need a lift, remember the power of simply spending time with  your family, friends and loved ones.

4. Go to the pantry and make some drinks
Here’s how you can release some pent-up stress; being alone in a small space will release your tension for a while. Get a mug and make your favourite drink either tea or milo or coffee. Then, walk slowly to your cubicle, sip a drink and continue doing your work.
Let's have some tea!

5. Just Say No
This one, especially in our aim-to-please culture, is a hard one to follow. But, if you think about it, no one needs you that much and if you say no, the world will go on without you. If someone is trying to make you feel otherwise, consider going on without them.

6. Engage your brain
Studies have shown that a stressed-out brain is an unhappy one. But, if you make a conscious effort to use your noggin’ by travelling, learning new skills or languages, you’ll  be happier, healthier and live longer. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lousy painter or can barely catch the ball, if you lkike it, do it!

7. Laugh as much as you want
Laughter is an instant cure for stress and there’s really no limit to how much you can  have. No one’s watching and waiting to criticise you for laughing too much so inject some innocent immaturity into your life and let the giggling begin.

8. Allow some carbs on your plate
Don’t restrict yourself  with food when you are in stress. Well, eating some carbohydrates is important. They help your body store energy for later use. Sure, you may want to have some sweet treats from time to time especially when you are in stress. Overall, though, try to choose carbohydrates that offer the best boost for your health. But, don’t binge eating. 

9. Reduce someone else’s stress
Compliment the food at your regular eatery, put  your own groceries into the plastic bag for the frazzled cashier, make eye contact and smile with the people you encounter while running errands. Much like volunteering, putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own is great way to bring down your stress levels.

10. Schedule breaks
A vacation might not be on the cards anytime soon but  taking some time to go for a brisk walk or call a friend, however brief, can refresh your spirit and help you gain some much-needed perspective.

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