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Monday, April 20, 2015

Are you managing yourself?

Yesterday, I heard a few complaints from my friends that they feel as though they cannot find time to get everything done. Feeling overwhelmed because of too much workload can result in stress and sense of helplessness. But, sometimes, we need to figure out, what is the key problem, do we feel under pressure at work because of an excessive workload or we are mismanaging ourselves?

One of the reasons why we face problems at work and with our time is due to our inability in managing ourselves. For example, our purpose could be to develop staff individually, train others, contribute the best we can to the organisation, increase the productivity of staff, ensure that our staff manage their time much better, improve the working environment, achieve department objectives to ensure that the company is profitable. People, however are not normally aware of everything that they want. 

You could be currently experiencing these symptoms which indicate that you are mismanaging yourself.

You feel  that your career has no coherent direction. One, you feel that you are on the right track and the next you want to change line immediately. What you need to do is to set yourself objectives, where do you see yourself in 5 years from today? What kind of career goals would you like to achieve in your life? You must also think of your own development. What are the areas you would like to see yourself develop? What weaknesses which you currently have, would you like to change? It is very important that you know what you want to achieve in a day at work. Otherwise, you will not utilise your time well and always find excuses to do non-essential task.

Effective and successful self management will lead to the increase of productivity, less stress, faster progress towards our goals and a better balance between work and home. If we are able to master the technique that simplify life and make work more effective, we will have time for leisure, family, hobbies and other personal pursuits and still be able to produce results at work.

So, figure out now! Are you stressed out because of your workloads or you need to be organised? Be in control of your life and enjoy the sense of accomplishment by having an effective self-management! You can change it now!

The better you organise your time, the better you can use your time for attaining your personal and organisational goals and you will have time for leisure, family, hobbies and other personal pursuits, I choose to have my time for leisure with family!

Let's Relax!

Do you always feel like you don't have the time to relax? Relaxing your body is precious. It's one of those things you take for granted until you don't have it. And you know that if you don't have enough rest, your stress levels will increase and your productivity will drop, eventually what will happen to you? Eventually your health can deteriorate! When you fail to get enough rest, it is very difficult for your body to keep up with the daily wear and tear that is part of life. Lack of rest also seems to be hard on the heart. At least the heart shows up often when a person hasn't had the rest that he or she needs. It certainly takes it’s toll on the nervous system and brain.

Maybe some of you think that relax is only sitting on a sofa and eating pop corns or chips while watching television or rest or relax is only to sleep on your bed. There are a lot of things you can do to relax your body and mind. Let's try this:-

  • Sit or recline in a comfortable position in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
  • Release whatever thoughts come up.
  • Close your eyes unless there's a good reason not to do so, such as driving or walking.
  • Experience the technique for at least 5 minutes, then extend the time as you become more comfortable with it. Then if you start feeling comfortable, keep your eyes closed and just sit quietly and without effort for two to three minutes. Allow yourself to come out of the relaxation gradually before opening your eyes and resuming your activities.
  • Relax daily and when you're feeling out of balance or frustrated. Even 2 or 3 minutes can be helpful.
I always do this whenever my stress is spiraling out of control and it really works!

This girl developing her own way of relaxing...chill!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Untuk wanita yang single atau suami tiada di rumah, selamatkah anda?

Pertama:  Sentiasa kunci  pintu dan tingkap rumah anda
Pastikan anda kunci pintu rumah anda dengan mangga dan selak pintu sentiasa diselak ketika anda berada di rumah. Kalau anda boleh pasang alarm di rumah anda lagi  bagus. Sekarang banyak dijual di internet alarm yang murah-murah dan senang dipasang di pintu dan tingkap. Pastikan juga langsir pintu dan tingkap ditutup agar keadaan di dalam rumah anda tidak dapat dilihat dari luar. Jika ada pencuri ataupun penjenayah mahu mencari mangsa, mereka akan survey dulu dengan berjalan di luar rumah dan jika mereka dapat tahu anda keseorangan dan tiada lelaki di rumah maka ia memudahkan mereka cuba memecah masuk rumah anda.

Kedua: Sorok semua barang-barang berharga.
Meninggalkan beg duit anda atau barang-barang kemas di ruang tamu sehingga dapat dilihat oleh orang luar mungkin menarik minat penjenayah memecah masuk rumah anda.  Jika anda hendak masuk tidur, pastikan handphone, beg tangan dan laptop di bawa bersama ke dalam bilik dan kunci pintu bilik tidur anda sebelum tidur. Dan jika anda hendak keluar rumah, sorok lah barang-barang berharga anda dan jangan letakkan di ruang tamu atau di atas meja.

Ketiga: Simpan nombor emergency dalam speed dial atau nombor favourite anda dalam phone.
Ini akan membolehkan anda menekannya dengan cepat jika ada penceroboh di dalam rumah anda. Jika ragu-ragu, hubungi pihak polis dan keluar dari rumah dengan cepat jika anda nampak ada bayang-bayang di dalam rumah.

Keempat: Jangan anggap anda selamat walaupun kawasan rumah anda mempunyai pengawal keselamatan.
Jangan lupa kunci pintu rumah dan grill serta pintu pagar walaupun kawasan anda mempunyai pengawal keselamatan. Walaupun semasa anda tidur, anda mesti mengunci pintu bilik tidur anda untuk mengelakkan para penceroboh dapat masuk ke bilik anda dengan mudah. Yang tinggal di apartment ataupun rumah dua tingkat yang mempunyai balkoni, jangan ambil mudah dengan menganggap penjenayah tidak dapat memanjat balkoni. Kunci pintu sliding door ataupun pintu di balkoni rumah anda setiap masa walaupun semasa anda berada di rumah.

Kelima: Jangan tinggal kunci rumah anda di dalam pasu di luar rumah atau lapik kaki jika ada keluarga atau adik beradik mahu ke rumah jika anda tiada.
Zaman sekarang bukan macam zaman dulu lagi. Zaman dulu takpe la buat macam tu sebab zaman dulu tak ramai penjenayah macam sekarang. Dulu, kita boleh la letak kunci dalam kasut atau dalam pasu di luar rumah. Tapi, kalau sekarang buat macam tu, senang lah penjenayah nak masuk ke dalam rumah. So, untuk menyelesaikan masalah, anda boleh lah bagi kunci spare pada adik beradik atau ibubapa untuk menyenangkan mereka datang ke rumah anda bila perlu. Manakala kunci kereta pula, adalah lebih selamat anda letak berdekatan anda jika anda mahu tidur kerana, jika ada penceroboh masuk ke dalam rumah, anda boleh membunyikan alarm kereta untuk menarik perhatian jiran-jiran anda dan menakutkan penceroboh.

Keenam: Elakkan berdepan dengan penjenayah jika dia masuk ke dalam rumah anda.
Tak payah tunjukkan keberanian anda kalau anda bukan juara Taek-Won-Do Malaysia atau Cucu Bruce Lee atau ada super power macam Cyborg Girl, nyawa kita ada satu je...ini bukan dalam filem. So, kalau anda dapati rumah anda dicerobohi, pastikan bilik tidur anda dikunci (jika anda di bilik tidur) atau jika anda di dapur, cepat2 ambil anak anda dan keluar dari pintu dapur ke rumah jiran. Jika anda tidak boleh keluar rumah, cepat-cepat hubungi polis dan juga jiran sebelah agar mereka dapat membantu. Saya juga cadangkan anda install apps MyDistress di dalam smartphone anda supaya anda boleh menghubungi polis dengan cepat menggunakan apps ini. Malangnya apps ini hanya boleh digunakan oleh mereka yang berada di Lembah Klang buat masa ini.

Ketujuh: Edit Facebook content anda

Ramai daripada anda di luar sana yang check-in di dalam Facebook atau memberitahu yang anda keseorangan di rumah, malah ada yang berkongsi alamat rumah di Facebook anda. Sayang, tak salah kalau anda nak check-in di dalam Facebook tapi make sure, status itu hanya dilihat oleh keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat yang anda kenal, bukan secara public. Dan, kalau anda nak memberitahu anda keseorangan di rumah, pastikan status itu hanya dikongsi dengan saudara, keluarga dan rakan-rakan terdekat yang anda percayai. Bahaya ada di mana-mana sekarang dan jangan kongsi sebarang status personal dengan satu dunia atau secara public. Kita sentiasa diintai....

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Getting creative with Baked Beans!

What is my whole family’s favourite canned food that we always have at home besides Sardine? Of course, baked beans.  Why we like baked beans?  Besides delicious and healthy, baked beans are a great way to add fibre and protein to our meals. Whether eaten on its own for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or as a flavouring to give a new twist to a traditional dish, baked beans never fail to satisfy our taste buds. 

Our favourite brand for baked beans is Ayam Brand Baked Beans Light in Tomato sauce. This brand less sugar and make it a healthier choice for us. It is also a great alternative for meat and helps to promote good digestion, healthy muscle tissue and growth of strong nails and hair (for more benefits, please google). The tomato sauce contains lycopene, an antioxidant that believed to protect cells. What’s more, I also found out that Ayam brand baked beans are preservative-free with no added MSG.

This Ayam Brand Baked Beans are popular not only with us, adults but also with our children, even my dad loves the baked beans so much. I still remember, when my mother went back to her hometown to visit her father who was sick, and leaving us with my father who never cooked before, baked beans had been our staple breakfast menu for almost a week. And now, my children also love the baked beans especially my daughter. It is surprising how versatile baked beans can be and how the whole enjoyment of them can be enhanced with just a little imagination and effort. Not only we eat it with the french toast but we can also make kacang phool with the baked beans. 

For those of you who don't know how to cook baked beans, let's put a little imagination into it and be creative. Besides baked beans on toast, why don't you vary the recipes in an imaginative way such as Baked Beans on Toast with garlic and onion, melt some cheese on top of baked bean on toast ( can use cheddar cheese for that purpose), Baked Beans and Fried Eggs on Toasted Bread and last but not least, baked beans with sausages & scrambled egg or omelette. Ok guys, why not get a little creative with your diet and find new healthier ways with Ayam Brand Baked Beans...make sure it is light!  Develop your own recipes for Baked Beans and don't forget to share it with me if it works well. Good luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stress Soothers

Relationship woes, work concerns, health problems or financial problems, these are the little stress goblins that pounce on me when I am already backed into a corner. But, as you know from any horror movie, evil always has a weakness. In the same way, I can banish stress demons from my light with the right know-how. Here, I would like to share my stress-buster with you so that I hope it would counter the unpleasant side effects to you.

1. Lose the alarm
A lot of us wake up and calculate how many more hours of sleep we have, or we wake up a bit too early and dread the sound we know is coming. But, if you’re worried you’ll oversleep, opt for an alarm that plays soothing nature sounds or even your favourite songs.

2. A little dab will do
Buy some medication oils such as Minyak Cap Kapak, White Flower Oil or Minyak Yuyi Cap Limau whenever you’re feeling a little stressed, dab some on your temples and the back of your neck. No, this won’t alleviate the jot of that half-hour argument with an irritating colleague but it’s a quick and easy treat that will relieve your tiredness.

3. Remember your family or your loved ones
Remember the time when you feel loved, trusted and comforted. If you need a lift, remember the power of simply spending time with  your family, friends and loved ones.

4. Go to the pantry and make some drinks
Here’s how you can release some pent-up stress; being alone in a small space will release your tension for a while. Get a mug and make your favourite drink either tea or milo or coffee. Then, walk slowly to your cubicle, sip a drink and continue doing your work.
Let's have some tea!

5. Just Say No
This one, especially in our aim-to-please culture, is a hard one to follow. But, if you think about it, no one needs you that much and if you say no, the world will go on without you. If someone is trying to make you feel otherwise, consider going on without them.

6. Engage your brain
Studies have shown that a stressed-out brain is an unhappy one. But, if you make a conscious effort to use your noggin’ by travelling, learning new skills or languages, you’ll  be happier, healthier and live longer. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lousy painter or can barely catch the ball, if you lkike it, do it!

7. Laugh as much as you want
Laughter is an instant cure for stress and there’s really no limit to how much you can  have. No one’s watching and waiting to criticise you for laughing too much so inject some innocent immaturity into your life and let the giggling begin.

8. Allow some carbs on your plate
Don’t restrict yourself  with food when you are in stress. Well, eating some carbohydrates is important. They help your body store energy for later use. Sure, you may want to have some sweet treats from time to time especially when you are in stress. Overall, though, try to choose carbohydrates that offer the best boost for your health. But, don’t binge eating. 

9. Reduce someone else’s stress
Compliment the food at your regular eatery, put  your own groceries into the plastic bag for the frazzled cashier, make eye contact and smile with the people you encounter while running errands. Much like volunteering, putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own is great way to bring down your stress levels.

10. Schedule breaks
A vacation might not be on the cards anytime soon but  taking some time to go for a brisk walk or call a friend, however brief, can refresh your spirit and help you gain some much-needed perspective.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Benda-benda ni yang selalu buat Mek Ja bengang....

  1. Pelanggan yang suka ambik banyak tisu atau napkin di restoran...tetapi hanya menggunakan satu atau dua helai je dan yang lebihnya dibuang atau ditinggalkan atas meja macam tu je. Wey! Ingat..tisu atau napkin tu diperbuat daripada pokok kayu..kesian pokok kayu asyik kena tebang je...
  2. Laman web shopping online yang tak senaraikan harga produknya..kau cakap kitorang boleh dapatkan maklumat lanjut dalam laman web kau tapi bila dah click link dan bukak website korang, takde pun harga atau maklumat lanjut dalam tu. Nak jual barang ke tak nak weyyyy???
  3. Orang yang suka bercakap dengan mulut yang penuh dengan makanan...bukan je geli tengok makanan penuh dalam mulut kau masa kau bercakap tapi kecenderungan untuk kau sembur muka orang dengan makanan dalam mulut kau adalah tinggi. Ohh..pleaseee! Gross!
  4. Iklan YouTube...sebelum kitorang dapat tengok apa yang kitorang nak tengok kat YouTube, kitorang kena tonton dulu iklan yang korang masukkan. Yang paling menyampah apabila kita tak boleh skip. Opps! Ada info baru lah..kepada sesiapa yang menggunakan Google Chrome Browser, jom download AdBlock Plus supaya kita boleh tonton YouTube tanpa gangguan iklan-iklan berkenaan...
  5. Manusia yang suka M3nA!p MaCaM !N! dan Yang menggunakan bahasa Muah Ciked! ...aduhai! Ini kod yang nak kena tafsir kan ke? huhuhuh....
  6. Orang yang bercakap bahasa Inggeris dengan slang Mat Saleh walaupun grammar berterabur...maaf nak cakap lah ya, kalau bahasa Inggeris anda sangat lah tidak sempurna dengan grammar yang lintang pukang dan berterabur sana-sini, please lah guna je slang Bahasa Inggeris Melayu. Tapi kalau mereka fasih Bahasa Inggeris, saya tak kisah slang apa pun yang mereka gunakan kerana saya sangat particular bab-bab sebegitu hehehe! Malah, kalau saya dengar mereka yang fasih bahasa Inggeris menggunakan slang UK atau America, saya sangat kagum!
  7. Mereka yang menyebut "Supposably"...Encik sekalian, itu bukan lah satu perkataan, perkataan yang betul ialah "supposedly". Sila buka kamus online atau sila install dictionary apps dalam handphone kamu.
  8. Mereka yang memakai Lip Liner warna gelap tapi lipstick warna light...hmmm...nampak agak menyakitkan mata. Pastikan anda memakai lip liner yang berwarna lebih muda daripada warna gincu kamu ya...
  9. Mereka yang membuat komen yang lari dari isi artikel atau berita di Facebook kerana tidak membaca keseluruhan isi artikel tersebut. Kalau malas membaca,  jangan pandai-pandai komen kerana ia akan menyerlahkan kebodohan dan kemalasan anda ke serata dunia. Ingat! Jangan memalukan diri anda dengan perkara sebodoh itu..
  10. Orang bodoh sombong yang tidak mahu mendengar nasihat. Hmm...ini malas nak komen lebih-lebih...
Jangan bagi Mek Ja marah! Nanti Vampire ini akan datang menyerang anda!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My gal friends, do not invite crime!

1. Lock your vehicle diligently. Typically, today’s vehicles are equipped with a range of safety systems including ‘Autolock’, however, it would be automatically locked after you press down on your first brake. It is recommended that you lock the vehicle as soon as you enter the vehicle. Then only you check the position of the rear view mirror, adjust the seat and wear your seat belts.

2. Never ever put your handbag or purse on the passenger seat. You will make it easier for the ciriminal if you do that! To prevent car window from being broken and your handbag is stolen, keep your purse, handbag or other valuables out of sight whilst driving. Always keep the windows of your vehicle rolled up.

3. Be careful when parking your vehicle. When parking, look for any suspicious persons loitering before leaving your car. When you feel very uncomfortable or suspicious on your way to your vehicle, ask a help from a security guard in the parking lot, if any. If not, wait until there are a few of people around that area.

4. Make sure you have your car keys ready in your hand when you walk to  your vehicle. Before unlocking the doors, look around to make sure there aren’t any suspicious people in the vicinity. If someone comes up to you, maybe asking for direction, be wary and watch out for potential accomplices. Be suspicious of people just sitting in their cars. If there are people approaching you, walk quickly to the building and ask  a help from a security guard to accompany you to your vehicle.

If you’re loading shopping bags or looking after children, don’t put the keys in the ignition until the last moment. Open the car door, put your children inside, get in quickly and then lock the car’s doors behind you.

5. If you spot a piece of paper stuck to the rear window or your windshield, do not get out of the car to remove it. But, drive off to a safe place before removing any pieces of paper.

6. Do not be tempted to stop to help someone who has a broken-down car. You can help by making a phone call to the police or Highway toll free customer care line to get help sent. 

The emergency no for highway toll free customer care line is:-

PLUSLine 1800-88-0000
AAM 1800-88-0808
Touch 'N Go 03 2714 8888

7. If someone hit your vehicle, remain securely in your car.  Lower your window slightly to exchange contact details and inform the person to follow you to a police station. Make sure note the other car’s registration number and inform the police so that you are not accused of leaving the scene of an accident.

8. Make sure you regularly service your car to keep it running smoothly in order to prevent breaking down in a remote location. 

9. Besides that, make sure your phone battery is full, in case of emergency, you can make calls to get help. Most importantly, for those who use a prepaid card, make sure you have enough credit to make an outgoing phone call.

10. Your safety is your foremost priority. Most importantly, if a person with a weapon confronts you and wants your vehicle, give it up.  Be calm. Get out of the car and try to find a way to distance yourself from them.